Scoring Offline
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Race Results Practice Times
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Round Race /
Name | LapsL | Elapsed | BehindBhd | Pace | Last LapLast | Fast LapFast |
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Round 3
1 Econo Oval C Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Steve Greenwell | 1 | - | 62/5:01.166 | 4.537 |
2. Reggie Johnson | 2 | - | 61/5:04.359 | 4.390 |
3. Ricky Esteves | 3 | - | 54/5:04.015 | 4.725 |
Lap Times and Graphs
2 Econo Oval B Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Jesse Dillon | 1 | - | 66/5:02.472 | 4.250 |
2. Pat Collins | 2 | - | 65/5:03.037 | 4.400 |
3. Jimmy Butler | 3 | - | 64/5:02.736 | 4.247 |
4. Tom Truitt | 4 | - | 59/5:04.781 | 4.428 |
5. Steve Greenwell | 5 | - | 58/5:02.525 | 4.467 |
Lap Times and Graphs
3 Kids A Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Grayson Shelton | 1 | - | 30/3:01.273 | 4.878 |
2. Caroline Crouse | 2 | - | 25/3:04.262 | 5.075 |
3. Avery Hackett | 4 | - | 20/2:42.697 | 5.578 |
4. Mason Greenwell | 3 | - | 13/2:45.109 | 7.898 |
Lap Times and Graphs
4 Econo Oval A Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 1 | - | 70/5:03.549 | 4.197 |
2. Jesse Dillon | 6 | - | 67/5:01.168 | 4.218 |
3. Lamont Ford | 2 | - | 66/5:00.523 | 4.229 |
4. Adam Graham | 3 | 3.696 | 66/5:04.219 | 4.296 |
5. Richard Cropper | 4 | - | 65/5:00.191 | 4.307 |
6. Danny Danchik | 5 | 1.406 | 65/5:01.597 | 4.286 |
Lap Times and Graphs
5 Rally Road B Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Lamont Ford | 1 | - | 32/5:05.690 | 8.973 |
2. Richard Cropper | 2 | - | 31/5:07.720 | 8.664 |
3. Grayson Shelton | 4 | - | 29/5:04.770 | 9.422 |
4. Sam Crouse | 3 | 1.195 | 29/5:05.965 | 9.395 |
5. Ricky Esteves | 5 | - | 17/5:03.724 | 13.659 |
Lap Times and Graphs
6 Rally Road A Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 1 | - | 35/5:04.519 | 8.428 |
2. Jacob Poole | 2 | - | 34/5:07.072 | 8.513 |
3. Danny Danchik | 3 | 2.459 | 34/5:09.531 | 8.437 |
4. Jesse Dillon | 6 | - | 32/5:02.352 | 8.810 |
5. Lamont Ford | 7 | - | 31/5:03.174 | 8.870 |
6. Stan Kershner | 4 | - | 30/5:06.335 | 8.827 |
7. Adam Graham | 5 | 4.809 | 30/5:11.144 | 8.944 |
Lap Times and Graphs
7 Micro-B A Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 1 | - | 28/5:03.378 | 10.190 |
2. Pat Collins | 3 | - | 25/5:03.991 | 10.972 |
3. Danny Danchik | 2 | - | 24/5:07.439 | 11.095 |
4. Richard Cropper | 4 | - | 23/5:06.789 | 10.899 |
5. Adam Graham | 5 | - | 22/5:01.433 | 11.359 |
6. Ricky Esteves | 6 | - | 11/4:56.901 | 18.277 |
Lap Times and Graphs
Round 2
1 Econo Oval Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Jimmy Butler | 1 | - | 61/5:04.025 | 4.362 |
2. Steve Greenwell | 2 | - | 59/5:03.411 | 4.558 |
3. Reggie Johnson | 4 | - | 58/5:01.913 | 4.341 |
4. Ricky Esteves | 3 | - | 47/5:02.434 | 4.848 |
Lap Times and Graphs
2 Econo Oval Heat 2
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Danny Danchik | 3 | - | 65/5:00.539 | 4.364 |
2. Jesse Dillon | 2 | 0.115 | 65/5:00.654 | 4.212 |
3. Pat Collins | 1 | 3.048 | 65/5:03.702 | 4.424 |
4. Tom Truitt | 4 | - | 60/5:03.568 | 4.460 |
Lap Times and Graphs
3 Econo Oval Heat 3
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 1 | - | 69/5:00.659 | 4.184 |
2. Lamont Ford | 3 | - | 68/5:03.366 | 4.244 |
3. Adam Graham | 2 | - | 67/5:02.319 | 4.290 |
4. Richard Cropper | 4 | - | 66/5:04.099 | 4.370 |
Lap Times and Graphs
4 Kids Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Grayson Shelton | 1 | - | 32/3:01.261 | 4.860 |
2. Caroline Crouse | 2 | - | 25/3:20.357 | 4.852 |
3. Mason Greenwell | 3 | - | 17/3:04.442 | 6.793 |
4. Avery Hackett | 4 | 21.572 | 17/3:26.014 | 6.200 |
Lap Times and Graphs
5 Rally Road Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 1 | - | 34/5:01.754 | 8.361 |
2. Jacob Poole | 3 | 4.850 | 34/5:06.604 | 8.514 |
3. Danny Danchik | 2 | - | 33/5:00.600 | 8.481 |
4. Richard Cropper | 6 | - | 31/5:04.518 | 8.691 |
5. Adam Graham | 4 | - | 30/5:01.275 | 9.147 |
6. Jesse Dillon | 5 | - | 29/5:04.205 | 8.802 |
Lap Times and Graphs
6 Rally Road Heat 2
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Stan Kershner | 2 | - | 32/5:08.644 | 8.979 |
2. Lamont Ford | 1 | - | 31/5:02.989 | 9.132 |
3. Sam Crouse | 5 | - | 29/5:04.357 | 9.704 |
4. Grayson Shelton | 3 | - | 26/5:05.777 | 9.912 |
5. Ricky Esteves | 4 | - | 18/5:09.458 | 11.399 |
Lap Times and Graphs
7 Micro-B Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 1 | - | 28/5:08.469 | 10.173 |
2. Pat Collins | 3 | - | 25/5:12.158 | 10.984 |
3. Richard Cropper | 4 | - | 22/5:03.776 | 10.762 |
4. Adam Graham | 5 | - | 21/5:03.003 | 11.902 |
5. Danny Danchik | 2 | - | 14/2:55.214 | 11.371 |
6. Ricky Esteves | 6 | - | 11/5:03.768 | 19.062 |
Lap Times and Graphs
Round 1
1 Econo Oval Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Jesse Dillon | 2 | - | 62/5:01.663 | 4.331 |
2. Danny Danchik | 1 | 1.442 | 62/5:03.105 | 4.320 |
3. Jimmy Butler | 5 | - | 58/5:01.583 | 4.426 |
4. Steve Greenwell | 4 | - | 55/5:04.170 | 4.521 |
5. Mason Greenwell | 3 | - | 21/5:25.976 | 4.885 |
Lap Times and Graphs
2 Econo Oval Heat 2
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Adam Graham | 3 | - | 67/5:04.250 | 4.333 |
2. Lamont Ford | 1 | - | 66/5:00.891 | 4.235 |
3. Pat Collins | 2 | - | 62/5:00.109 | 4.380 |
4. Tom Truitt | 4 | - | 60/5:04.175 | 4.490 |
Lap Times and Graphs
3 Econo Oval Heat 3
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 2 | - | 69/5:02.238 | 4.216 |
2. Richard Cropper | 4 | - | 64/5:02.053 | 4.403 |
3. Ricky Esteves | 1 | - | 49/5:05.099 | 4.989 |
4. Reggie Johnson | 3 | - | 21/1:48.099 | 4.360 |
Lap Times and Graphs
4 Kids Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Grayson Shelton | 2 | - | 33/3:01.993 | 4.658 |
2. Caroline Crouse | 1 | - | 25/3:22.892 | 4.964 |
3. Mason Greenwell | 4 | - | 17/3:01.788 | 5.859 |
4. Avery Hackett | 3 | 4.301 | 17/3:06.089 | 6.091 |
Lap Times and Graphs
5 Rally Road Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 4 | - | 34/5:04.353 | 8.525 |
2. Danny Danchik | 3 | - | 33/5:05.736 | 8.622 |
3. Adam Graham | 6 | - | 32/5:10.882 | 6.724 |
4. Richard Cropper | 2 | - | 31/5:08.429 | 8.786 |
5. Stan Kershner | 5 | - | 29/5:03.726 | 9.002 |
6. Ricky Esteves | 1 | - | 18/5:08.914 | 11.835 |
Lap Times and Graphs
6 Rally Road Heat 2
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Jacob Poole | 4 | - | 33/5:07.078 | 8.529 |
2. Jesse Dillon | 1 | - | 31/5:02.941 | 8.772 |
3. Lamont Ford | 3 | - | 30/5:06.282 | 9.078 |
4. Grayson Shelton | 2 | - | 28/5:01.067 | 9.608 |
5. Sam Crouse | 5 | - | 14/2:31.091 | 9.653 |
Lap Times and Graphs
7 Micro-B Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Kevin Parlett | 6 | - | 27/5:06.303 | 10.307 |
2. Danny Danchik | 3 | - | 25/5:05.972 | 11.081 |
3. Pat Collins | 5 | - | 24/5:08.700 | 11.112 |
4. Richard Cropper | 2 | - | 23/5:07.043 | 11.100 |
5. Adam Graham | 4 | - | 18/5:06.020 | 8.005 |
6. Ricky Esteves | 1 | - | 10/5:17.133 | 20.353 |