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Race Results Practice Times
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Round Race /
Name | LapsL | Elapsed | BehindBhd | Pace | Last LapLast | Fast LapFast |
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Round 3
1 21.5 Blinky A1 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Brad Sheppard | 1 | - | 19/6:07.413 | 18.496 |
2. Ian Miller | 2 | 2.373 | 19/6:09.786 | 18.656 |
3. Dean Smith | 5 | - | 18/6:20.963 | 19.999 |
4. Tim Forster | 3 | - | 17/6:03.530 | 19.494 |
5. Matthew Knightsbridge | 8 | 8.628 | 17/6:12.158 | 19.744 |
6. Garry Logan | 6 | 5.194 | 17/6:17.352 | 20.246 |
7. Ben Metcalf | 7 | - | 16/6:07.861 | 21.181 |
8. Brendan Hollis | 4 | - | 11/4:08.476 | 20.162 |
Lap Times and Graphs
2 21.5 Spec Class A A1 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Dean Smith | 1 | - | 16/6:17.202 | 22.167 |
2. Janine Logan | 2 | - | 14/6:09.417 | 24.066 |
3. Matthew Muzzin | 3 | 5.175 | 14/6:14.592 | 24.188 |
4. Tegen Campbell | 4 | - | 12/6:05.417 | 24.749 |
5. Marie | 5 | - | 11/6:24.781 | 29.754 |
6. Ken Baker | 6 | - | 5/4:19.528 | 39.372 |
Lap Times and Graphs
3 21.5 Blinky B1 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Theo Theodorou | 4 | - | 18/6:18.603 | 20.210 |
2. Sam Carman | 2 | - | 16/6:10.412 | 21.304 |
3. Sam Metcalf | 1 | 5.340 | 16/6:15.752 | 21.050 |
4. Colin Sheppard | 3 | - | 1/0:30.358 | 16:39.999 |
Lap Times and Graphs
4 13.5 Blinky A1 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Chris Bismire | 3 | - | 20/6:02.961 | 17.383 |
2. Jamie Obrien | 2 | 8.878 | 20/6:11.839 | 17.548 |
3. Ben Howard | 4 | - | 19/6:07.304 | 18.096 |
4. Tim Forster | 5 | - | 13/6:10.395 | 18.122 |
5. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 4/6:24.012 | 18.442 |
Lap Times and Graphs
5 VTA A1 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 18/6:10.633 | 20.107 |
2. David Stevens | 2 | - | 17/6:18.299 | 21.654 |
3. Brendan Hollis | 4 | - | 16/6:17.600 | 22.577 |
4. Garry Logan | 3 | 0.127 | 16/6:17.727 | 21.661 |
5. Davide Muzzin | 5 | - | 12/6:13.262 | 25.291 |
6. Sam Carman | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 | |
7. Theo Theodorou | 7 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
6 21.5 Blinky A2 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Brad Sheppard | 1 | - | 20/6:17.491 | 18.528 |
2. Ian Miller | 2 | - | 19/6:14.299 | 18.979 |
3. Tim Forster | 3 | - | 18/6:00.930 | 19.246 |
4. Dean Smith | 5 | 8.264 | 18/6:09.194 | 19.627 |
5. Matthew Knightsbridge | 8 | - | 17/6:00.482 | 20.011 |
6. Garry Logan | 6 | 10.947 | 17/6:11.429 | 19.976 |
7. Ben Metcalf | 7 | 6.792 | 17/6:18.221 | 20.315 |
8. Brendan Hollis | 4 | - | 15/6:05.136 | 20.297 |
Lap Times and Graphs
7 21.5 Spec Class A A2 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Dean Smith | 1 | - | 15/6:12.676 | 21.809 |
2. Janine Logan | 2 | - | 14/6:07.927 | 23.647 |
3. Marie | 5 | - | 11/6:05.663 | 29.388 |
4. Tegen Campbell | 4 | 6.325 | 11/6:11.988 | 24.646 |
5. Matthew Muzzin | 3 | - | 0/0:00.0 | |
6. Ken Baker | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
8 21.5 Blinky B2 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Theo Theodorou | 4 | - | 17/6:12.497 | 20.465 |
2. Sam Carman | 2 | - | 12/6:19.961 | 21.291 |
3. Colin Sheppard | 3 | - | 4/2:50.088 | 25.003 |
4. Sam Metcalf | 1 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
9 13.5 Blinky A2 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 21/6:17.568 | 17.402 |
2. Ben Howard | 4 | - | 20/6:06.636 | 17.937 |
3. Chris Bismire | 3 | 2.666 | 20/6:09.302 | 17.719 |
4. Jamie Obrien | 2 | 2.132 | 20/6:11.434 | 17.486 |
5. Tim Forster | 5 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
10 VTA A2 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 18/6:06.295 | 19.767 |
2. David Stevens | 2 | - | 17/6:21.537 | 21.874 |
3. Brendan Hollis | 4 | - | 16/6:13.484 | 21.905 |
4. Garry Logan | 3 | - | 15/6:07.219 | 21.774 |
5. Theo Theodorou | 7 | - | 14/6:29.589 | 22.474 |
6. Davide Muzzin | 5 | - | 0/0:00.0 | |
7. Sam Carman | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
11 21.5 Blinky A3 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Brad Sheppard | 1 | - | 20/6:15.290 | 18.202 |
2. Ian Miller | 2 | - | 19/6:18.804 | 18.856 |
3. Tim Forster | 3 | - | 18/6:02.758 | 19.251 |
4. Garry Logan | 6 | 4.360 | 18/6:07.118 | 19.489 |
5. Ben Metcalf | 7 | - | 17/6:02.212 | 19.807 |
6. Brendan Hollis | 4 | - | 16/6:22.996 | 19.650 |
7. Matthew Knightsbridge | 8 | - | 12/4:13.194 | 19.827 |
8. Dean Smith | 5 | - | 11/3:55.799 | 19.571 |
Lap Times and Graphs
12 21.5 Spec Class A A3 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Dean Smith | 1 | - | 16/6:07.367 | 21.755 |
2. Janine Logan | 2 | - | 14/6:09.138 | 23.756 |
3. Tegen Campbell | 4 | - | 13/6:08.740 | 24.630 |
4. Marie | 5 | - | 10/6:07.978 | 29.191 |
5. Matthew Muzzin | 3 | - | 0/0:00.0 | |
6. Ken Baker | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
13 21.5 Blinky B3 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Theo Theodorou | 4 | - | 17/6:04.755 | 19.957 |
2. Sam Metcalf | 1 | - | 16/6:03.395 | 21.318 |
3. Colin Sheppard | 3 | - | 13/6:18.861 | 23.725 |
4. Sam Carman | 2 | - | 10/6:18.473 | 21.637 |
Lap Times and Graphs
14 13.5 Blinky A3 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 21/6:14.120 | 17.441 |
2. Jamie Obrien | 2 | - | 20/6:04.265 | 17.564 |
3. Chris Bismire | 3 | 12.654 | 20/6:16.919 | 17.548 |
4. Ben Howard | 4 | - | 3/2:09.915 | 18.399 |
5. Tim Forster | 5 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
15 VTA A3 Main
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 18/6:05.279 | 19.755 |
2. Garry Logan | 3 | - | 17/6:15.119 | 20.850 |
3. David Stevens | 2 | 1.267 | 17/6:16.386 | 21.379 |
4. Brendan Hollis | 4 | - | 16/6:04.158 | 21.971 |
5. Theo Theodorou | 7 | - | 2/0:48.554 | 22.689 |
6. Davide Muzzin | 5 | - | 0/0:00.0 | |
7. Sam Carman | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
Round 2
1 21.5 Blinky Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Brad Sheppard | 4 | - | 20/6:16.713 | 18.219 |
2. Ian Miller | 1 | - | 19/6:16.830 | 19.163 |
3. Garry Logan | 5 | - | 17/6:01.896 | 19.847 |
4. Matthew Knightsbridge | 3 | 7.698 | 17/6:09.594 | 19.797 |
5. Tim Forster | 6 | - | 12/4:02.752 | 19.265 |
6. Theo Theodorou | 2 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
2 21.5 Spec Class A Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Dean Smith | 5 | - | 16/6:07.211 | 21.835 |
2. Janine Logan | 2 | - | 15/6:20.957 | 23.715 |
3. Matthew Muzzin | 4 | - | 13/6:13.787 | 25.130 |
4. Marie | 1 | - | 12/6:29.388 | 28.429 |
5. Tegen Campbell | 3 | - | 11/6:19.370 | 27.227 |
6. Ken Baker | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
3 21.5 Blinky Heat 2
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Brendan Hollis | 2 | - | 18/6:15.391 | 20.162 |
2. Dean Smith | 6 | 5.532 | 18/6:20.923 | 20.100 |
3. Ben Metcalf | 5 | - | 17/6:00.487 | 19.626 |
4. Sam Metcalf | 8 | - | 15/6:01.462 | 20.804 |
5. Sam Carman | 1 | 5.519 | 15/6:06.981 | 21.662 |
6. Colin Sheppard | 3 | 10.374 | 15/6:17.355 | 22.375 |
Lap Times and Graphs
4 13.5 Blinky Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 21/6:17.271 | 17.733 |
2. Jamie Obrien | 4 | - | 20/6:05.081 | 17.505 |
3. Chris Bismire | 5 | 4.476 | 20/6:09.557 | 17.908 |
4. Ben Howard | 2 | 0.888 | 20/6:10.445 | 17.983 |
5. Tim Forster | 3 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
5 VTA Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 2 | - | 18/6:18.117 | 20.228 |
2. David Stevens | 4 | - | 16/6:02.017 | 21.856 |
3. Garry Logan | 1 | 1.546 | 16/6:03.563 | 21.816 |
4. Brendan Hollis | 3 | 14.167 | 16/6:17.730 | 22.732 |
5. Davide Muzzin | 7 | - | 12/6:23.010 | 28.527 |
6. Theo Theodorou | 5 | - | 0/0:00.0 | |
7. Sam Carman | 6 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
Round 1
1 21.5 Blinky Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Brad Sheppard | 4 | - | 20/6:16.832 | 18.406 |
2. Ian Miller | 1 | - | 18/6:00.102 | 19.353 |
3. Tim Forster | 6 | 3.357 | 18/6:03.459 | 19.281 |
4. Garry Logan | 5 | - | 17/5:55.974 | 19.907 |
5. Matthew Knightsbridge | 3 | 9.314 | 17/6:05.288 | 20.244 |
6. Theo Theodorou | 2 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
2 21.5 Spec Class A Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Dean Smith | 5 | - | 16/6:20.515 | 22.128 |
2. Janine Logan | 2 | - | 14/6:27.897 | 23.744 |
3. Tegen Campbell | 3 | - | 11/6:14.705 | 28.818 |
4. Marie | 1 | - | 10/6:08.240 | 29.071 |
5. Ken Baker | 6 | - | 3/2:54.324 | 32.278 |
6. Matthew Muzzin | 4 | - | 0/0:00.0 |
Lap Times and Graphs
3 21.5 Blinky Heat 2
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Ben Metcalf | 5 | - | 17/6:00.330 | 19.925 |
2. Dean Smith | 6 | 3.418 | 17/6:03.748 | 20.443 |
3. Brendan Hollis | 2 | 9.676 | 17/6:13.424 | 20.478 |
4. Sam Carman | 1 | - | 16/6:18.863 | 22.061 |
5. Sam Metcalf | 8 | 0.493 | 16/6:19.356 | 21.336 |
6. Colin Sheppard | 3 | - | 15/6:17.113 | 22.896 |
Lap Times and Graphs
4 13.5 Blinky Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Jamie Obrien | 4 | - | 20/6:00.971 | 17.649 |
2. Chris Bismire | 5 | 12.511 | 20/6:13.482 | 17.812 |
3. Scott Rawlings | 1 | - | 19/6:02.172 | 18.431 |
4. Ben Howard | 2 | 2.168 | 19/6:04.340 | 18.419 |
5. Tim Forster | 3 | - | 15/6:14.708 | 18.808 |
Lap Times and Graphs
5 VTA Heat 1
Driver | # | Back | Laps/Time | Fast |
1. Scott Rawlings | 2 | - | 18/6:13.480 | 20.125 |
2. Garry Logan | 1 | - | 16/6:02.165 | 21.773 |
3. David Stevens | 4 | 1.290 | 16/6:03.455 | 21.958 |
4. Brendan Hollis | 3 | - | 14/5:42.900 | 22.850 |
5. Sam Carman | 6 | - | 5/2:29.729 | 26.238 |
6. Theo Theodorou | 5 | - | 1/0:55.229 | 55.229 |
7. Davide Muzzin | 7 | - | 0/0:00.0 |